
It never ends.

I'm sorry I haven't posted. It seems the shit has hit the fan and I've been busy trying to find my slickers.

October 8th, I received a call from my ex's number and called the number back. His *Wife* (They just got married in late September apparently) picked up, I said, "Must you call me all the time?" She said, "What?" of which I replied, "Must...You...Call...Me...All...The...Time? It's not that difficult of a question." Then she hung up.

A couple hours I got a few more calls from her. That's when I decided it was enough. Being it was a Saturday, and everything is closed on weekends, as well as Monday being a holiday, I had to wait until Tuesday to follow through.

Sunday the 9th, I receive a few more calls from her, leaving me messages on my voicemail. She threatened me saying they've called the cops for phone harassment. I never received any calls from officers so I took it with a grain of salt.

Tuesday the 11th, I got a hold of the County Attorney and proceeded to fill out the paperwork to get a Civil Stalking Injunction against my ex and his wife. I had everything documented, messages from the entire year, letters, everything. The CA told me to get some witness statements and a case number and then we'd go in front of the judge to have him sign the Civil Stalking Injunction.

I asked my neighbor and my ex's mother to fill out witness statements.

Friday the 14th, I was sitting online talking to some friends when my dial-up got disconnected. I didn't think anything of it. I attempted to redial and got a "No dial tone detected" error. I check the phone, no dial tone. I throw my shoes on and grab a knife and head out the back door to check the phone box. I hear footsteps. This was at 12:30am so it was dark. I kneeled down and tied my shoes while listening. After I got them tied, I stood up and tried turning on the back light, it didn't work. That door leads to stairs and I didn't want to go down them in the dark if someone was underneath them so I closed and locked that door and went out another door that'd take me ground level with the backyard. I tried turning on that light as well and it didn't work either. Wielding the knife as tightly as I could ready to defend my life, I inch out of the door into the yard when I saw someone hop over our 6 foot fence and hear them run away.

I ran through the house again and to the neighbors and called the police. The person had gotten into my phone box and unplugged the line. I don't know why.

Saturday I received the witness statement from my neighbor. No notice from the mother though so I went to her place Monday and talked to her, she had spoken to an attorney who told her not to get involved. I called the CA earlier and they said one statement would be enough because of all the documentation I have.

I received a call last night from an officer. The wife filed a complaint against me for phone harassment. I tried contacting the officer to find out what evidence was in place and if criminal charges would be filed. I haven't contacted them so I don't know what they're saying/using against me.

I tried finding out how to get my phone records but need a subpoena for it and the police are unwilling to get one because it will cost them money to get the records. When I spoke with the CA Tuesday, she said she'd be more than happy to get them for me. I didn't actually speak with her when I called earlier so I will try to contact her tomorrow to see if she's willing to get the LUDs for my phone.

I've been so strung out, worn thin, lost, tired. Ah well...

You thought you'd take me by surprise, now I'm here burning down your house. ~Garbage

The things most people want to know about
are usually none of their business. ~George Bernard Shaw


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