
LE to the rescue.

The officer I spoke to the other day, a lieutenant, called me. He went to the website that I spoke to him about and told me he found it quite graphic. He explained to me that now, after viewing the website, he understands my position a little bit more. I knew if someone saw it they'd be more helpful to me, rather than brushing me off as "We don't have enough resources."

He told me of a fellow officer that is net savvy, who used to do what this group is doing, that he would more than likely know about the site. The lieu told me he would talk to the guy about his feelings about the website. He understood how wrong it is for this group to by-pass LE, said that the content of the site is horrible. Pretty much agreed with me about everything involving the site. How the mission is noble but the means are way out of line. It's nice that he understands my situation better. He sounded a lot more helpful and open than when I had first met him. I'm glad he looked at the website.

To protect and serve. ~Law Enforcement motto

The things most people want to know about
are usually none of their business. ~George Bernard Shaw


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