

So, I get my mail today, Second District Court, hmm. I open it, ah-hah! Yes, my ex is protesting the Civil Stalking Injunction. Fan-F'in-tastic. I get to go to court the 18th, aren't all of you SO happy for me? I'm in one of those moods now. :(

But! We'll see how court goes and, hopefully it goes well.

Went to a couple classes of Aikido and Brazilian Jujutsu. My friend, huge Martial Arts guru, suggested I check out the Brazilian Jujutsu, and just my luck, we have a teacher near by. The place that has the Aikido was rather large and chaotic so, I wasn't too fond of that, the Brazilian Jujutsu classes are small and very personal, which I like. Plus, lots of sparring and grappling, which would help a lot in real world situations. So, I shall start planning on going to Brazilian Jujutsu classes. Wish me luck. The guy said first week is like boot camp, and most new people drop out of the class their first week because it's too tough. Hopefully I can stick it out.

These chicken bake complete meal things are rather good...

An unwillingness to deal forcibly with violence does not equate to moral rectitude. ~Mary Malmros

The things most people want to know about
are usually none of their business. ~George Bernard Shaw


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