
Teacher cited for stalking.

Teacher cited for stalking.
A Beattie Elementary School teacher was scheduled to appear in court Thursday in a suspected stalking incident outside SouthPointe Cinemas earlier this month.

Lori Blum, a first-grade teacher at Beattie, was ticketed by Lincoln Police on Nov. 14 or 15 for misdemeanor stalking in connection with the incident, which, according to court records Tuesday, involved a Lincoln woman and her husband.
Read more at Here.

Truth can be at risk in the world of the Web
"John Seigenthaler Sr. was the assistant to Attorney General Robert
Kennedy in the early 1960's. For a brief time, he was thought to have
been directly involved in the Kennedy assassinations of both John,
and his brother, Bobby. Nothing was ever proven."

-- Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org)

This is a highly personal story about Internet character assassination. It could be your story.

I have no idea whose sick mind conceived the false, malicious "biography" that appeared under my name for 132 days on Wikipedia, the popular online free encyclopedia whose authors are unknown and virtually untraceable. There was more:
Read more at Here.


Cyberstalking growing rapidly.

Cyberstalking growing rapidly.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27 (UPI) -- The appearance of anonymity has tempted many to use the Internet for personal revenge and cyberstalking is on the rise, say U.S. online safety experts.

WiredSafety, an online safety group, says it monitors about 1,600 harassment complaints a month -- twice the number of five years ago, reported the New York Daily News Sunday.

"In real life, you have to worry about someone spotting you if you stalk them," said Parry Aftab, founder of WiredSafety. "Online no one's going to punch you in the face."

The most common forms of cyberstalking are e-mails or instant messages, but some have created a Web site to discredit a person.

In addition, penalties for cyberstalking are little more than a slap on the wrist, according to Aftab.

"You can get law enforcement involved," she said. "But most of the time, the person will just lose their account with their Internet server or whomever."
Source: Here.

Spy versus spy
Peter Rohde takes it as a given that the people he meets have delved into his past, have scrutinised what he is working on and have read a healthy dose of his opinions about a host of matters.

This is, after all, the age of Google (). All this and more is available quickly just by tapping a name into a search engine.

Sometimes Rohde worries about this, especially when he is about to post his thoughts on his blog.
Read more at Here.

All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances; Each man in his time plays many parts. ~William Shakespeare


David Drommond update.

Center buffers victim parents from abusers
MURRAY — It took Melissa Behunin several attempts to leave an abusive situation, largely because she feared leaving her young daughter alone with her husband.

Michael Brandy, Deseret Morning NewsDomestic violence survivor Melissa Behunin says the new All-R-Kids center will serve a vital role in the community. She kept going back, even once the divorce was finalized, so she could oversee interactions between father and daughter.
Read more Here.

ARK offers safe visits amid strife

Melissa Behunin wanted to divorce her husband, but the idea of dropping off her 4-year-old daughter for visits with him, alone and unsupervised, was terrifying.

So she stayed in the marriage - a decision she regretted the next time he hit her.
Read more Here.

On a side thought, I've figured out where I knew my ex's attorney. It is...An unbelievably small world.

To inflict cruelties on defenceless creatures, or condone such acts, is to abuse one of the cardinal tenets of a civilized society — reverence for life. ~Jon Evans

The things most people want to know about
are usually none of their business. ~George Bernard Shaw


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