
Cyberstalking growing rapidly.

Cyberstalking growing rapidly.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27 (UPI) -- The appearance of anonymity has tempted many to use the Internet for personal revenge and cyberstalking is on the rise, say U.S. online safety experts.

WiredSafety, an online safety group, says it monitors about 1,600 harassment complaints a month -- twice the number of five years ago, reported the New York Daily News Sunday.

"In real life, you have to worry about someone spotting you if you stalk them," said Parry Aftab, founder of WiredSafety. "Online no one's going to punch you in the face."

The most common forms of cyberstalking are e-mails or instant messages, but some have created a Web site to discredit a person.

In addition, penalties for cyberstalking are little more than a slap on the wrist, according to Aftab.

"You can get law enforcement involved," she said. "But most of the time, the person will just lose their account with their Internet server or whomever."
Source: Here.

Spy versus spy
Peter Rohde takes it as a given that the people he meets have delved into his past, have scrutinised what he is working on and have read a healthy dose of his opinions about a host of matters.

This is, after all, the age of Google (). All this and more is available quickly just by tapping a name into a search engine.

Sometimes Rohde worries about this, especially when he is about to post his thoughts on his blog.
Read more at Here.

All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances; Each man in his time plays many parts. ~William Shakespeare


David Drommond update.

Center buffers victim parents from abusers
MURRAY — It took Melissa Behunin several attempts to leave an abusive situation, largely because she feared leaving her young daughter alone with her husband.

Michael Brandy, Deseret Morning NewsDomestic violence survivor Melissa Behunin says the new All-R-Kids center will serve a vital role in the community. She kept going back, even once the divorce was finalized, so she could oversee interactions between father and daughter.
Read more Here.

ARK offers safe visits amid strife

Melissa Behunin wanted to divorce her husband, but the idea of dropping off her 4-year-old daughter for visits with him, alone and unsupervised, was terrifying.

So she stayed in the marriage - a decision she regretted the next time he hit her.
Read more Here.

On a side thought, I've figured out where I knew my ex's attorney. It is...An unbelievably small world.

To inflict cruelties on defenceless creatures, or condone such acts, is to abuse one of the cardinal tenets of a civilized society — reverence for life. ~Jon Evans


Court day.

Yes, today I went to court, totally unprepared. Okay, so I wasn't totally unprepared but, I couldn't get a pro bono lawyer in time. And, when I requested a continuance so I may get legal representation, my ex's lawyer objected. And, yes, I had to do the whole court thing by myself, with no legal advice.

The ex, his mother, and his wife were there. They all took the stand. I was my only witness. I had to cross-examine. I was scared.

The ex told the truth to a T. I was impressed. The wife started to lie, I wrote down the lie, she saw me write down something and stopped in mid-sentence to backpeddle. The mother lied (At least I think she lied. I don't know if she believed what she was saying.) and I cross-examined her.

The ex said I called her and she had my number on the caller-ID. I asked if she had the caller-ID with her, she said no. I win that one. The mother said she has never seen or heard of my ex getting abusive, that was an outright lie, and I confronted her on it, which she continued to lie so I gave up because I had no idea what to do.

When I was on the stand, they wanted to hear the evidence I had, so they got me a phone, I accessed my voicemail, and began playing all my ex's messages to the court. The wife got up and left. All of it was worth it just for that one moment to smite her. To smite her for saying my ex wanted nothing to do with me, to smite her for telling me to stop calling them when I never did unless my ex called me first. I heard her storm out when I got to the message where my ex told me he loves me and thinks the wife is a psycho--to put it nicely.

The Civil Stalking Injunction is reduced to a dual RO. I can't contact the ex (Hey, no problem, I never did anyway.) and he can't contact me.

They also were talking about contesting her, the wife's, CSI, which, I don't know if they can because they're given 10 days from being served to contest it, and her 10 days is up. So, I shall speak with legal aid when they're open and find out.

They also said they will be moving soon. The lawyer told the judge to drop the whole case based on that. The judge told the lawyer that "Phones still work, they can move back, they can even possibly not move at all." And told the lawyer to shut up (In so many words).

So, it wasn't all bad. Could've went better, though.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. ~Jesus (Matthew 10:34)



So, I get my mail today, Second District Court, hmm. I open it, ah-hah! Yes, my ex is protesting the Civil Stalking Injunction. Fan-F'in-tastic. I get to go to court the 18th, aren't all of you SO happy for me? I'm in one of those moods now. :(

But! We'll see how court goes and, hopefully it goes well.

Went to a couple classes of Aikido and Brazilian Jujutsu. My friend, huge Martial Arts guru, suggested I check out the Brazilian Jujutsu, and just my luck, we have a teacher near by. The place that has the Aikido was rather large and chaotic so, I wasn't too fond of that, the Brazilian Jujutsu classes are small and very personal, which I like. Plus, lots of sparring and grappling, which would help a lot in real world situations. So, I shall start planning on going to Brazilian Jujutsu classes. Wish me luck. The guy said first week is like boot camp, and most new people drop out of the class their first week because it's too tough. Hopefully I can stick it out.

These chicken bake complete meal things are rather good...

An unwillingness to deal forcibly with violence does not equate to moral rectitude. ~Mary Malmros


Stalking Victims' Resource.

Okay, so I made a board, and it looks okay so far. I have never worked with a PHPbb board before so I really have no idea what I'm doing. But! I am learning quite quickly what everything does.

For the time being, it is hosted on a free server, so there are ads that I can't mess with. We'll see if it takes off or not before I start thinking about paying for a domain and server.

You can check it at http://jconserv.net/stalkingvictimsresource/

Comments, questions, suggestions, always welcomed. Hope you enjoy.

The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm. ~H. W. Arnold

The things most people want to know about
are usually none of their business. ~George Bernard Shaw


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